Всі хто не встиг придбати привід сумісний з прошивкою iXtreme Burner Max можуть починати святкувати, C4eva випустив програму C4e's BurnerMAX Payload Tool
Тепер не потрібно прошивка пишучого приводу для запису XGD3 дисків на 100%, достатньо просто мати привід зроблений на чіпсеті MTK (Mediatek), програма підтримує багато приводи Lite-On,Samsung, Pioneer і т.д. Інтерфейс приводу також не має значення, підтримується і SATA, і IDE, і USB. Що для цього потрібно? По порядку:
Запускаєте ImgBurn
Вставляєте чисту болванку
Запускаєте BurnerMax Payload Tool
Обираєте Ваш привід у вікні програми BurnerMax Payload Tool
Тиснете кнопку BurnerMAX
Дивіться як зміниться місткість диска в ImgBurn до 8.13Гб
Можете починати запис диска
Дану операцію треба проводити перед кожним записом XGD3 диска, якщо BurnerMax Payload Toll видала помилку при натисканні кнопки BurnerMAX то значить ваш привід побудований не на чіпсеті Mediatek
C4E's BurnerMAX Payload Tool in association with Team Jungle u0026 Team Xecuter
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Official release of the BurnerMAX Payload Tool - works with most MTK chipset based DVD burners (Liteon etc)
- No need to flash burner firmware. Delivers a realtime payload to increase capacity of DVD + R DL discs to support XGD3
- Support for stock iHas B, C, and D burners, all makes and models
- Support for many of the Liteon iHAS Clones
- Supports many other mnodels such as ASUS, Samsung, Pioneer and many others
- Supports many Liteon and Samsung USB External Burners
- Supports many Liteon IDE Burners
- Supports any disc burning software - we recommend iMGBURN
How it Works
Load your favorite burning software. Insert your blank DVD + R DL disc. Send the BurnerMAX Payload. Re-select your drive in the burner software and the capacity will be increased.
You will need to send the BurnerMAX Payload evertime you insert a blank DVD + R DL disc.
Special vendor specific commands are sent to examine in realtime the drives custom registers, searching for specific DVD + R DL blank media capacity and layer capacity parameters.
If found these registers are modified using another set of vendor specific commands.
Due to the use of stock firmware and different burner makes and models, any settings the burner has play a more important role.
For iHas burners B, C and D, recommended settings are:
Force Hypertuning - Enabled
Online Hypertung - Disabled
Smartburn - Enabled
Overspeed - Enabled
OPC history - Do not clear
Results may vary depending on hardware and disc brand.
Verbatim DVD + R DL (Singapore Manufactured) Blank Discs are recommended for best results.
I would like to wish everyone a merry xmas and a happy new year - many more goodies are coming ......
Thanks go to Team Jungle for their hard work and efforts in the development process.
Thanks also go to Team Xecuter for their support to this project.
I wish to dedicate BurnerMAX Payload Tool's release to the victims of the Connecticut school massacre and the bravery of the school teachers involved who saved many lives.
- First release
Теги: прошивки, Софт Xbox 360, 2012, Злом
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