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Graduation Year: 2013 Country: United States Genre: fantasy, action, drama Time: ~ 00:44:00 - series Directed by: Michael Nanjing Cast: Grant Bowler, Julie Benz, Dyusheyn Williams, Tony Curran, friction Keating, Stephanie Leonidas, Jamie Murray, Nicole Munoz, Jessica Nichols, Justin Rain Translation:Professional (Many-voiced, offscreen)
Description: The plot of the series "Call" tells the story of the world as it became after the Pale wars and confrontation earthlings flew "to settle" aliens whose system of binary suns into a supernova.After the losses on both sides reached a size and appalling to Earth by mistake hit terraforming machine aliens, a handful of soldiers realized the senselessness of mutual destruction andchallenge their commanders. The chain reaction led to a truce between the ground and votantsami. At the beginning of the series with the announcement of the armistice 15 years have passed.Former soldiers Joseph Nolan with her adopted daughter-Ayrissoy an alien enters the once native of St. Louis, and forced to become a defender of local residents in the sheriff's office.He will live in the city, now bearing the proud name of Call populated representatives of 6 races, and fight the forces trying to wipe it off the face of the Earth.