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" "Hacker №8 (August 2014) PDF

Hacker №8 (August 2014) PDF

Author: JACKIE | 21-08-2014 | Game logs | Views: 295 | Comments: 0 |
Hacker №8 (August 2014) PDF
Imprint date: August 2014
The original name: Hacker №8 (187)
Genre: Computer magazine
Publishing house: Ltd. "Game Land"
Language: Russian
Format: PDF
Quality: Initially, the electronic (ebook)
Number of pages147

Hacker №8 (August 2014) PDF

Hacker Magazine tells about computers in general, software, hardware, technology, games and, of course, about hackers. But this is not all limited.Often Hacker publishes about lifestyle, about some absolutely vital things about health, about how to spend your free time. Hacker differs from other publications, probably primarily the manner of submission of materials.

Journalists Hacker explain complicated things in simple language, with a bit of humor and youth slang.The only exception is the topic "Breaking," which is designed for more serious specialists, materials in this category are served in more depth with a lot of technical details and terms. Hacker Magazine - this is what you need.

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Tags: Hacker. Game Logs. Magazines. magazine. Download

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