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" "The Xbox One will" call a friend "and the analog Siri

The Xbox One will "call a friend" and the analog Siri

Author: JACKIE | 25-05-2013 | Gaming News | Views: 367 | Comments: 0 |
The Xbox One will

Action MicrosoftIn which journalists were present at the first announcement Xbox OneAnd then we were able to try out their own novelty in fact, it was only the first step in showing the next generation console - it seems that during the presentation at E3 we are waiting for not only the game.

According to people who have access to the prototype consoles, among the general public did not show features an option to conduct a conversation with Kinect 2And take control of games of friends to help them through a difficult place.

Deep integration Xbox One with Kinect 2 includes the ability to receive answers to your voice commands, sources Polygon. The development is not finished yet, but the plan Engineers Microsoft. Kinect 2For example, be able to recognize the faces of people in the room and determine if any of them new users.If so, then the console will report that failed to recognize a few people in a room and ask them to call themselves. When the guests presented the sensor, that will greet them, and will create an additional profile in the system.

The voice response somewhat resembles assistant Siri, first appeared in iPhone 4S. It is possible that this feature will not be available at the start of the console, but will be added to one of the first update as early as next year.

The Xbox One will

Another unannounced opportunity - another cause for SkypeTo ask him for help in a difficult moment of the game. Your friend will be able to take control and go through a difficult episode in front of you.During the demonstration, it was shown that if you call from "host" side notification appears asking if the user agrees to help a friend with the game. If he agrees, the cloud service is activated, after which the session can be completed at the touch of a button.

In spite of the full functionality of the service, the details of its application yet unclear. For example, there are no final decision on the fact how long you can play remotely and whether your friend will also own the game to help you with the passage.

Despite the fact that during the demonstration console were connected by wires, the representatives Microsoft They said they were not worried about the delays in the transmission. On the question of whether it is possible to play the most remote, as is the case with a gamepad Wii U, they did not give a clear answer.

The Xbox One will

The Playstation 4 also has a similar feature. Service-based Gaikai is exactly for the same purpose and works in a similar way. Sony also offers online broadcast gameplay by pressing the "Share" on the controller and even "director mode" which will allow other players to interact with you, throwing first-aid kit, maps and other game items on the web.

Press office Microsoft said Polygon: "After the announcement Xbox One It appeared on the Internet a lot of rumors and speculation about potential scenarios console, as well as unannounced features. We do not comment on this information and plan to personally tell you much more about the system in the near future. "

Tags: Games News. XBOX ONE

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