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" "In the trailer inFamous: Second Son was shown the gameplay?

In the trailer inFamous: Second Son was shown the gameplay?

Author: JACKIE | 25-02-2013 | Gaming News | Views: 655 | Comments: 0 |
In the trailer inFamous: Second Son was shown the gameplay?

One of the employees said Sucker Punch tweeted that published on the PSM Trailer inFamous: Second Son It consisted of actual gameplay footage.

"New inFamous looked amazing. Can not wait for the gameplay!"
The answer to the previous tweet - "Most of it was the gameplay ... We just used different camera angles to make cinematic movie."

It was a shock to many, because video looked like a natural CGI. Although Unreal Engine 4 It will also make their way to the PS4, The question arises: how much it will really powerful?
Let me remind you that Sucker Punch used its own engine.

Tags: news of the play the world. 2013

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