Release info:Graduation Year: 1998
Platform: Sony Playstation One
Genre: Action
Developer: Electronic Arts, Inc.Published: Electronic Arts, Inc.Area: NTSC 1 ~~~ SLUS-00739 ~~~ 1
Media: CD
Number of CD: 1
Language: RussianType of translation: Text + AudioDescription:In Los Angeles, the sample 21XX is not all easy.Crime cleared up so that the police have to use the newest model of the robot, capable, if necessary, be transformed into a fairly maneuverable hover (that is, the vessel onhovercraft). This miracle of technology, and you will be driving for eight rather scale levels by shooting all the aggressive-minded against you objects.
For this purpose, your bipedal tank is equipped with three slots, where you can set basic (autocannon and lasers), and support (rockets, heavy mortars) weapons that you will find throughout the game.
Tags: Playstation. PSX Games. PS1. PSX. PSone
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