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IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

Author: JACKIE | 25-05-2013 | Miscellanea | Views: 1773 | Comments: 0 |
IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

DLC (Eng. Downloadable content - DLC) - A form of extension of digital media content (media) via the Internet.
The phrase "downloadable content" refers to the content (content), which was created for computer games (in this case for games and programs iOS) And produced separately from the main game. Nevertheless, the term used to refer to any type of digital entertainment content, which was distributed online.

To obtain DLC Free, you first need to make Jailbreak.

This manual is suitable for all devices: iPhone. iPod Touch. iPad and all firmware versions.

Installing IAPFree
Once you have made JailbreakOn the desktop of your device appears CydiaBy which establishes IAPFree - A program that allows you to receive DLC free.

How to install IAPFree:
1). Open Cydia
2). If this is the first use Cydia, then choose the type of profile: User, Hacker, or Developer. To see absolutely all installed files, choose the last option
3). Go to the tab Manage

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

4). Click Edit

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

5). Click Add to add the repository from which you can download IAPFree.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

6). In the window that appears, enter the address of the repository http://cydia.crazydoraemon.comAnd press the Add Source.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

7). Processing to add the repository to complete appears, click on the Return to Cydia.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

8). We go to adding a repository, see there IAPFree, Click on it.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

9). Then click Install to install, and then Confirm to confirm it.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

10). There is a setting, and to push it to complete the Restart Springboard. Then restarts the desktop.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

11). Done. Now on your desktop icon appears IAPFree

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

Starting and Configuring

We have found IAPFree, Left his start and configure:
Open iAPFree
Immediately pops up a message that is not installed Core plugin.
This is the main plug-in, without which will not work any hacking DLCOr other plugins IAPFree.
To download and install it click Download More

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

Next we see a list of plug-ins. Basically this Core Plugin. His and install.
You can download plug-ins for certain games that do not lend themselves to the breaking Core.
Chose Core Plguin.
Then click Install

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

Being installed, a window will pop up at the end of that Core Plugin is installed.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

After installing the plug-in or after leaving IAPFree, your device will automatically reboot the desktop (Springboard). If this did not happen suddenly, do restart manually.

Operability test

It remains to verify operability. We do this on the famous game Temple Run 2:

1). Start the game.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

2). We go to the store and buy for example 500 stones for 649 rubles.

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

3). If you did everything correctly, you will get free, then you "bought".

IAPFree: Installation Instructions content (DLC) Free iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

Analogs IAPFree

At the moment, there are many analogs of this program. This iAPCracker. LocalApStore. iAP Unlocker DLC and others. They perform the same functionality as the IAPFreeBut for a smaller number of games. I talked with the developer IAPFree and I found out that all these programs are copies. Therefore, there is no any sense to install them!
But if you still decide to install something else, do not install all together - first remove the previous cracker!

Tags: FAQ. IPhone Owners. Instructions iPod Touch. Instructions iPad. Jailbreak. IAPFree

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