Release Date: May 20, 2014
Genre: Action, Shooter, First Person
Machine GamesPublisher:
Bethesda SoftworksPlatform: PC
Platform: X64 (64bit)
Author repack: R.G. Mechanics
Russian, English
Language VoiceEnglish
Publication Type:
RepackTablet: Enclosing 1 ~~~
Reloaded~~~ 1
System requirements:
- Processor: Intel Core i7-930 Quad 2,80 GHz / AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3,2 GHz
- Memory: 4 GB
- Video card with support for DirectX 9.0 and DirectX 11 with 1 GB of memory: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 6850
- Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX® 9.0
- Free space on hard drive: 50 GB
Game Description:
Wolfenstein®: The New Order - a revival of the series, which once marked the beginning of the genre of FPS.Developed by the studio Machine Games, which brought together experienced craftsmen who have created more than one famous game, Wolfenstein is a combination of psychological drama with a thrilling story, adventure and combat system in the first person.
Having mastered hitherto unknown supertechnology, Nazi Germany was able to turn the tide of the war and brought to its knees, even the most powerful nations. War hero BJBlaskowitz spent 14 years in a coma, and awoke to find that the court in 1960, World War II was lost, and the Nazis rule the world with an iron fist. You have to be Blaskowitz - lost war hero and the only person in the world, capable of changing the course of history.
Europe, in 1946. The Second World War shakes the continent.At first, yielding to pressure from the Allies, the Nazis were able to radically change the course of the fighting due to high-tech military machine General Wilhelm Strasse, nicknamed "Totenkopf".The last desperate attack on the Allied military complex Totenkopf chokes, and all the hopes of allies die with her.
Europe, in 1960. The war is over. The Nazis won, putting on his knees even the most powerful enemies. Hitler's regime rules the world with an iron fist.
Adventure ShooterWolfenstein - this crazy racing on the mountain slopes, the descent into the depths of the sea, the battle to combat robots Fuhrer and more of what constitutes a truly exciting adventure.
The plot and charactersIntense battles, crazy plot twists and characters typical fused together into a story that will not leave anyone indifferent.
Alternative historyFamiliar strangers postwar years - a world where the Nazis won World War II and the mangled everything they could reach.
Arsenal and opponentsIn the secret laboratories of the Reich and armories you will find the latest samples of deadly toys Fuhrer. Armed with them, you get a chance to handle the giant fighting robots, menacing super-soldiers and Nazi storm troopers.
- Do not cut and not recoded.
+ On the top floor of refuge "Circle Krayzau" a bed. If you sleep on it, you can see the dream, which is a replica of the first level of Wolfenstein 3D.
+ A large metal door in the hangar at the Resistance has an inscription 101, which is a reference to the game Fallout 3.
+ The game referred to a musical group Die Kfer (Rus. Beetles). This is analogous to The Beatles, changed its name to the German language after the Nazi seizure of the world.
+ In one of the rooms of the headquarters of the Resistance in the board standing on the floor, you can see the inscription IDKFA, which is a cheat code in the game Doom for all weapons and keys.
+ Keychain Bobby car Bram bomber explodes Gate London Nautica is a miniature copy of the Rocket Launcher from the game Quake 3.
+ Fredrik Tordendal leader and guitarist of Meshuggah, wrote the music for the game.
+ One of the phrases the captain Blaskowitz when the Nazis kidnapped Anna, he regrets that "I would like to show her the sunset over the Mezquita." Mesquite - a city in which is id Software.
+ The game also has a scene in which Blazkovits holding a tire iron from the legendary Half-Life, which he threatened the German officer, who was sitting in the trunk of a car in which Blazkovits and Anya came to the native Ani.
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