Release date: 2014
Genre: Action (Survival horror) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: The Creative AssemblyPublished: SEGAPublication Type: JtagRipFirmware: Freeboot /
JTAGLanguage: RussianType of translation: Text + AudioDescription:Playing on behalf of Amanda, you have to travel on increasingly unstable world, where you from all sides will be surrounded by a desperate, panic the population and unpredictable and ruthless alien force.
Features:+ Depressing Overcome a deadly threat. Experience the relentless fear of the alien force, use all his powers to hunt you down and fight back any of your actions.
+ Improvise to survive.Hacking computer systems, mining resources necessary for life and manufactured objects - in general, do what is most important in each situation. Hiding from their enemies, divert their attention or encounter them face to face - up to you.
+ Explore a world of secrets and betrayals. The action takes place on the "Sevastopol", having withdrawn from the trading stations operating on the margins of the cosmos. You will meet a variety of inhabitants of the world, distorted by fear and mistrust.
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