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" »World of Tanks (Mods) 0.8.7 (1.1 | RUS)

World of Tanks (Mods) 0.8.7 (1.1 | RUS)

Author: JACKIE | 25-07-2013 | addon / DLC 1 ~~~ PC ~~~ 1 / Patches for games | Views: 922 | Comments: 0 |
World of Tanks (Mods) 0.8.7 (1.1 | RUS)

Information about fashion:
Name game: World of Tanks
Graduation Year: 2013
Platform: PC
Developer: StJazz
Type of distribution: Mods
Version of the program: 0.8.7-1.1
The required version of the game: 0.8.7
Language: Russian

Description: Pack mods for the game World of Tanks. Everyone is required.

Run the installer, follow the instructions. To correctly install mods correctly specify the folder with a game World of Tanks. Only a folder with a game! Nothing more press. It is advisable to clean the client. You want to remove built yuninstal. Do not forget to install the fonts in the folder flash, after installation. Font files DroidSansMono.ttf, XVM Symbol.ttf

For proper operation olenemera must be installed library Dokan.
Mod uses standard markers client setup menu of the client. If there is an inscription with the level of the tank in the ears and when loading the fight, the client is removed from the menu on the first! tab.If you want to use markers fashion. That folder has a flash configuration token change in the line "useStandardMarkers": true, on-false. Markers config in its original, a lot of exclusive things. Up to redraw the icons of gaming events.

The mod includes:
meryateloleninosti =) XVM-stat
Arcade: Oreshkin
Snaipersky: Oreshkin
Art Scope: Informative
Expanded statistics (statodrotka)
Statistics in the company and the recruitment company.
Colored WitBlitz icons.
Adapted rose in the cards and various types of tanks.
Keys 9 and 0 output statistics for the player in general chat, when finding onnogo in your sight.

Tags: Fashion. Mods. PC Games

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