Many people know that thanks to Kinect 2.0, you can interact with the game console Xbox One voice. However, not all users of consoles use this functionality the console from Microsoft, despite its obvious advantages over running a gamepad.
Currently Xbox One does not support the Russian language, and this stops many from using voice control. Let's understand below, which understands voice commands console Xbox One.
Outset that the console supports 6 languages: English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. All the teams that will be discussed below, we give the English language.
Menu navigation consoles
- "
Xbox On"- Turn on the console.
- "
Xbox turn off "- off the console.
- "
Xbox go home"Or"
Show my stuff"- Return to the main screen.
- "
Xbox go to "- Starts the application.
- "
Xbox go back"- To return to the previous screen.
- "
Xboh cancel"- To cancel the action to perform.
- "
Xbox snap "- To bind a specific application.
- "
Xbox unsnap"- Untie fixed application.
- "
Xboh switch"- To switch from fixed to the main application to change.
- "
Xbox Bing "- Search query in the Bing (it is worth noting that an inquiry is necessary to say after a search system is activated).
- "
Xbox show menu"- Start menu.
- "
Xbox change view"- Change the view (same as pressing the View).
- "
Xbox help"- Starting reference.
Communication Skype
Xbox Skype - Launch the Skype.
Xbox Skype - Page view specific contact in to Skype.
Xbox call - Call a specific contact in to Skype.
Xboh answer - To answer the video call.
Xbox answer without video - Answer without activating the video.
Xboh hang up - To complete the call.
Xbox send a message - Sending a message to a friend in Xbox Live.
Login. profiles
Xbox sign in - Login (select Profile).
Xbox sign in as - Entry into a specific profile account.
Xbox sign out - Withdraw from an active account.
Xbox use a code - The command to scan a QR code, which is necessary to bring the camera Kinect.
Xbox notifications - Show the notice.
Xbox show notification - To see more specific information about the selected notification.
Xbox close notification - Remove the notice that is running on the screen.
Video and Music
xbox one video and music -
Xbox play - Start the video.
Xbox pause - Put the video on pause.
Xbox rewind - Rewind the video to the previous point.
Xbox fast forward - Fast rewind the video to the next point.
Xbox faster - To increase the rewind speed.
Xbox slower - Reduce the speed rewind.
Xbox skip backward - Go to the previous video.
Xbox skip forward - Go to the next video.
Xbox stop - To stop the video playback.
Xbox play music - Start the music (with the last active playlist).
Xbox pause music - Put music on pause.
Xbox next song - Go to the next song.
Xbox previous song - Go to the previous song.
Television tv xbox one -
Xbox watch TV - Switch on the television.
Xbox show guide - Show a TV program (in Russia does not function).
Xbox watch "- To switch to a specific channel (in Russian feature does not work).
Sound - Sound
Xbox mute - Turn off the sound.
Xbox unmute - Enable sound.
Xbox volume up - Make the sound louder.
Xbox volume down - To make the sound softer.
Play - Games
Xbox invite - Invite a friend to the game specific (IM).
Xbox record that - Start recording the screen.
These voice commands are present in each
Xbox One. With updates of the list will likely grow. It should be noted that some games have a built-in voice commands that this list is not shown.
Tags: XBoxOne. XBOX ONE. FAQ. Instructions Xbox One
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